2024/2025 5th and 6th Grade After School Musical


Attention 5th and 6th Students and Parents! 

We are thrilled to announce auditions for Annie Jr., our upcoming after-school musical!

Below is all the information your child needs to prepare for their audition:

Sign-Ups and Participation:

  • Audition Sign-Up: Please fill out the 5th & 6th Grade Musical Sign-up Google Form to sign your child up for auditions.

  • Parent Volunteer Sign-Up: Interested in volunteering? I would love your help! Please click the Annie Jr. SignUpGenius link and sign up to help! 

Audition Requirements:

  • Song: Students need to prepare a musical theater song of their choice, 30 seconds to 1 minute in length. The song should be school-appropriate and showcase the best qualities of their voice.

    • Performance: Students will perform their song a cappella (without any backing track).

    • Song Ideas: I have attached an Audition Song Suggestions document with possible song choices that they can select from if they need help finding a song. However, they are more than welcome to choose their own musical theater song—whatever they feel most comfortable singing.

  • Dance: Students should be prepared to do a little bit of dancing during the audition, so please ensure they wear comfortable clothing suitable for movement. No short-shorts or spaghetti straps, please.

  • Script Reading: In addition to singing and dancing, students should be ready to read from parts of the Annie Jr. script.

Audition Details:

  • Date: August 27th

  • Time: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

  • Location: Building 2 Auditorium

  • Note: Auditions are not open for parents to attend.



  • Date: August 29th

  • Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

  • Purpose: Callbacks may be held to consider students for specific roles. If your child is not called back, please reassure them that this is perfectly fine—everyone who auditions will be cast in the show!


Important Notes:

  • Double Casting: The show will be double cast to ensure every student who auditions gets a chance to be in the show. We want every student to feel included and have their moment to shine!

  • Production Calendar: Please take a look at the attached Production Calendar and review it carefully  

  • Participation Fee: There is a $100 fee for participating in the play. This fee will cover a cast t-shirt for your child, as well as costumes, set materials, and other production expenses.

We are so excited to have your child be a part of Annie Jr. and can’t wait to see them shine on stage!

Have any questions? Feel free to reach out to the director, Kenzie Merritt, at [email protected]